抗体直销 抗体供应 默克抗体** 益启供
产品名称:07-353 ACETYL-HISTONE H3 (LYS14)抗体
高文献引用率:乙酰化组蛋白H3 (LYS14)文献医用率居**。
多实验验证:WB, ChIP-seq, DB, Mplex, ChIP。
Antagonism of PPAR-γ signaling expands human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by enhancing glycolysis.
In Nature Medicine on 1 March 2018 by Guo, B., Huang, X., et al..
Targeting the CoREST complex with dual histone deacetylase and demethylase inhibitors.
In Nature Communications on 4 January 2018 by Kalin, J. H., Wu, M., et al..
Unique roles for histone H3K9me states in RNAi and heritable silencing of transcription.
In Nature on 27 July 2017 by Jih, G., Iglesias, N., et al..
Ketogenic diet improves the spatial memory impairment caused by exposure to hypobaric hypoxia through increased acetylation of histones in rats.
In PLoS ONE on 30 March 2017 by Zhao, M., Huang, X., et al..
Insulin-response epigenetic activation of Egr-1 and JunB genes at the nuclear periphery by A-type lamin-associated pY19-Caveolin-2 in the inner nuclear membrane.
In Nucleic Acids Research on 31 March 2015 by Jeong, K., Kwon, H., et al..
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